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Bespoke Small to Tall Autréau Bottles

We can source a variety of different bottle sizes of our personalised Champagne Autréau and also most big brand name Champagnes. We usually stock some Autréau large format bottles, so please give us a call if you want anything from a personalised split to a personalised Nebuchadnezzar and we would be happy to give you a quote.



Being 187,5 milliliters, this bottle is equal to 1 tulip of champagne.


Half (Demi)

Demi is a 375 ml of champagne bottle (“half” at French). Its another name is Fillete which means “little girl”. Demi bottle of champagne is an equivalent of 3 flute glasses, or half of standart bottle.



Nothing new here. Most popular champagne bottle equals to 6 champagne glasses.



Latin for “great”. It’s able of retaining double the amount of champagne (12 glasses) which is normally contained in a standard bottle of champange. It is described by champagne producers as the ideal bottle for aging champagne.



The tiniest from the more whimsically called Champagne bottle sizes, it contains 3 liters, or 24 glasses. The label originates from the 1st king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, who ruled for 22 years during the late 10th century BC. The name means “he increases the people”.



The champagne bottle called in Methuselah’s honor contains 6 liters or 64 glasses of Champagne. According to the Hebrew Bible, Methuselah is supposed to be the oldest person to ever live. Methuselah was an antediluvian patriarch mentioned in the Old Testament as having lived 969 years and whose name is symbolic of great age.



A variation of the name of 5 Assyrian kings who ruled in between the Thirteenth and Eighth centuries BC. This kind of bottle holds 9 liters, equivalent to 12 bottles or 72 glasses.



A Balthazar bottle contains 12 liters of champagne or 16 standard bottles (it’s 96 glasses of champagne). As to hystory, Balthazar is a king of Arabia who presented gifts to Jesus after his birth.



The name of the greatest, most powerful of all Babylonian kings, who ruled from the late 7th to the middle 6th century BC. The champagne bottle holds 15 liters, or 120 lasses.

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